That is why it feels so life and death. Things were so passionate that we were bankrupting ourselves on planet tickets, so after a whirlwind 4 month courtship I quit my job and moved in with him- on the other side of the country. I still talk to him to this day and I honestly will never forget how magnetic this relationship was. The Five Darkest, Sexual Aspects in Synastry I've never had a more natural and effortless sexual connection to someone in my life, and it blinded me to a lot of things. I think her NN is right on his 7th house axis for one. For teaching purposes, one must break things down, so it may seem like it is contrary but it is really not, imo, Sandy. I have moon opposition pluto. And my pluto trine his sun and, Mars sq Pluto can be violence and/or violent/strong passions. It wasn't until he began to withhold sex from me that I finally crumbled. I am curious about the dejanira/nessus aspects. That might be how theyre playing out their Nessus-Dejanira, though Im not sure since they also have a lot of mutual Uranus and Pluto contacts to inner planets and both Ascendants. Could it be a past life meaning? It can also happen that there are changes in your love life when the Vertex is triggered in your birth chart by some transiting planet or progression. This is my opinion and other people may differ but I call things as I see them, Mandy dear. At the end of the day, that is all this god and goddess really ask for.". However, there is a flip side. Check house placement and aspects to further your . These are too many questions for text. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Lovely, Lo! We need to look at the whole chart to see the whole story. I would say that this relationship would be INTENSE but in a beautiful way.Please, tell me about it! If anything, Ive suffered abuse from others at times. If you see Nessus in synastry, make sure you know which side of the fence he is on. I've never experienced it myself, but have read that Lilith/Pluto contacts are also intensely sexual and even violent (particularly the opposition). Crow Symbolism: Spiritual Meaning Of The Crow, 6 Effective Studying Spells For Exams, Class, & Enhanced Focus, Winter Solstice & Yule: Rituals, Traditions, And Ways To Celebrate. with Dejanira conjunct his natal Saturn, Mars. Btw he just got married to a girl whose moon is conjunct with his nessus+sun+true node AND also, her dejanira is conjunct with his moon !!! It makes me feel very crazy. That never ceases to amaze me, either! I have looked at them unto themselves but everything matters so I will start to incorporate signs and houses. What I wanted to know first was what past lives we had together. Saturn conj Mars in Scorpio could produce a kinky kind of thing. And thank you for this article, I should have said that before. Who would bring who abuse? I ve met a man who have his mars = my moon (1) in taurus and square my uranus (2) in aquarius. , Not a sag actually, but a virgo with tons of leo in her chart, lol. Lilith on the ic is one of the more potent lilith synastry to have even in the composite. This pairing can form a deep emotional bond, especially through physical intimacy. His abuse asteroid on her midheaven would be her reputation and career, right? What if a man has Dejanira conjunct a womans Sun? Synastry: Sun square Pluto, sun conjunct Amor, sun conjunct psyche, Pluto conjunct moon, Venus square Pluto, (they have Venus square Pluto)natal also, mars sextile Venus, Mars conjunct Sappho and trine Uranus (they have mars square Uranus natal mars) tine Jupiter, Venus conjunct Neptune and sun conjunct Venus and Eros square Pluto, Eros conjunct kaali, Venus conjunct kaali all opposite Nessus!! Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. I was wondering how much weight can have the orbit in a synastry.. for example, I have with a guy a Venus trine Pluto, but 5.46 orbit.. does it counts? He has pholus conjunct dejanira, all on my BML exact. The puzzle pieces are coming together for me.. finally. The opposition would be the same but not as locked in or as intense. She has never treated me as less than, and she is extremely giving. In some past life, at some point, weve been married to almost everyone weve dated or had some type of relationship with. lol. We have no moon aspects will this help? My guess is that it would be an obsessive relationship where both would try to hurt each other? Ten Conjunctions to the Vertex in Synastry - My Christian Psychic I, always, have people want to tell me that Nessus is not always abuse. Sorry if this came off mean, I just dont want people to get scared over having one aspect when astrological interpretations are not set in stone. so, quick question, where do I post it? Can it be dangerous amiann? Moon/Pluto in a trine is very powerful, too. This aspect can bring intense emotions, profound personal growth, and the potential for both positive and negative experiences. Im pluto and he is the moon. xx, haha you are so cute, I like you and you write very simple and easy to understand. I wouldnt think my mars/Pluto semisextile is as strong though it can do damage. The Five Darkest, Sexual Aspects in Synastry There is attraction based on dark forces like rage, pain and abuse. Thank you, Amiann. It wasn't enough for me to have sex with him though. Youll have to use your judgement here. M. What are the exact Sun/pluto aspects Maria? I guess ill post mine and then our synastry chart. I'm really only just starting to get to know Eros well, and Lilith is still somewhat elusive. Asteroids in Synastry Chart, Astrology online calculator - His Nessus conjunct her midheaven. I hope I can do this when I tell you about my own life. Thank you, amiann. There is no superficial way to get to know Lilith through the experience of the erotic. Does this mean anything? The issue is that me disagreeing with you being fatalistic (because what you say is not what always happens, not even 60% of the time because I have nessus/dejanira aspects with most people that are close to me, and I have never been abused or attacked in any of those relationships) does not mean that Im not accepting the truth. Conjunctions, oppositions, and trines are best. Yeah, the They may not be able to see what you are up and you could use this for your gain fits perfectly. That is why it is so powerful. Thats why its so weird bc it is a very good longterm relationship. With any Chiron aspect to the other persons Juno, there was a wound created through marriage in a past life. Sun person helps Lilith person recognize their subconscious gifts and strengths. Pluto trine Venus, Venus quincunx Pluto It is real to be neutral. Lilith Synastry Sun and Lilith conjunct in the synastry chart When Sun person's Sun and Lilith person's Lilith combine, each person awakens the deep desire for individuality and creativity in each other. How will these aspects play out? How does that play out? YES. Thats not the truth. Yet despite this fearsome reputation she was often dismissed as " a minor Babylonian wind deity " or similar. Eros in synastry : r/astrology - reddit Eros in Synastry seems appropriate to discuss for this time of year. Everyone should have one once in a lifetime, I suppose. my sun in exact opposition to his pluto (I have this aspect in the natal chart) and my pluto in conjunction with his sun in an orb of 7 even far he can feel it? I am not surprised this happened to you. It is typical cat and mouse game with taboo twists. Eros - Vesta Lyn Astrology It doesnt always make for the easiest of relationships, because both people come into the marriage with the weights of the past life issues, but it definitely has staying power. Well you may want to take advantage of their trust and innocence. To gather more about the flavor of the relationship, look to the actual aspect (is it favorable or difficult?) Well, maybe, but dont most abusers have a history of childhood abuse themselves? As I see more pieces, I think my awareness shifts, and I do feel like that makes a difference. Black Moon Lilith/Eros in Synastry - ProBoards Is it relevant? I think theres a trine or sextile to other asteroids but nothing major. You don't need to BELIEVE in Jesus to come here and/or to contact me. The year started with powerful and forward thinking energy that will assist in elevating us both spiritually and subconsciously. There are many, many possibilities in astrology, even infinite if Im speaking on the complexity of each persons chart. Thanks SO much for your kind words. You can have Mars/Pluto with a fling and not feel a thing in your emotions.We have the same kind of weighting with the conjunction, trine, opposition and square as we did above. Maybe also Mars/Uranus? Juno aspecting the South Node simply means that the pair was married (in some way) in a past life, or had a longterm marriage-like relationship. YES, your Deja conj his NN will make you his victim, to put it really directly. There is always a risk with Eros when he falls on a personal planet of point, and meeting Lilith is the greatest of them. I know this came off a bit more forward, but only because I want to make it clear that one persons feelings are not fact. I am not asking you to do mine either. It gives no leg room, and its fearful to people. I wonder what do you think it would happen when nessus conjuncts nessus in synastry. Thats weird. I dont even have tattoos or my ears pierced. Oops, sorry Amiann. I had waaaaay more rage than he did (granted, there were reasons for that) and said things so hurtful that I wince now when I think about them. My Dejanira is in 5 Sag, like his North Node. There`s also lot of growth and sweetness and nothing that amounts to abuse. Keep an eye on anyone who is near her. The Lilith person might have trouble with issues surrounding desirability. If one person's Sun is conjunct Saturn and the other persons Eros is opposite Pluto, the contact will be quite different than if the Sun was conjunct Jupiter and Eros opposite Venus. It can ruin possible healthy relationships. Well, I have been thinking about the situation. Youll always want to look at the chart as a whole, read everything as a metaphors, and use your intuition. We can still find a lot of info with no time of birth. Eros represents what turns us on. I wonder if that would mean that he IS an abuser but couldnt abuse me ?? In the rare instance where these two do meet, the results are truly awe inspiring . Conjunction, Opposition, Square, and Trine! You can gather the tone of the marriage based on the planets involved and the sign that theyre in. Which probably held it together for SO long. The Lilith conjunct Mars synastry aspect means that this relationship is made up of two fighters. Thats your opinion. Sorry for the late reply. I will come back and answer when I have time to really look at the details. I can relate to everything Ive read from you. tell me your story, if you care to, Juice dear. Her NN on his 7th makes me think its a past life hold. What would that mean? Hi Amiann Is there a positive aspect to this connection? Deja conj the DSC may make you look for wounded bird types. Since Aries is ruled by Mars, there's a . under what theme of the forum? As such, I would be careful and watchful. Any other aspect will show a wound through marriage, but the marriage wasnt necessarily involving both parties together. I dont know too much about asteroids and wonder if the intense attraction I am feeling will fizzle as quickly as it came about or if it lasting. You both feel admiration for each other. Please, keep me posted though but, yes, please, be careful, Love! But I always have the feeling that people want to abuse/fool me in one way or another and they get surprised when I respond, I constantly need to stand up for myself in any sort of situation, from the cashier in the shop to colleagues at work. If you do not have either of these in the natal but have them in synastry, it will play out the same way. Ami is an insightful astrology. I have only had this fantasy with him along with begging him and many many other fantasies. His Nessus makes no major aspect to my planets, except a 3 orb trine to my Mercury and North Node, and Vertex..could this mean well step on each others toes when it comes to reaching our goals? If it has not of yet, it may be a new relationship. I only didnt like that its being portrayed as complete truth that will always occur, when its definitely not the case. Does that fit and I applaud your willingness to face yourself. The chart never lies, my Friend. Then my Nessus is 29 Cancer in almost exact opposition with the child asteroid at 28 Cap. I have seen it in a few people, only. Thank you =). . And as far as I know theres a strong correlation between nessus and psychopaths/abusers. I am the nessus person and I admit to having some devious tendencies towards anyone with neptune in that position. That is the nature of the DSC. I hear your concern. Thanks for your posts Ami. Lastly, with me having moon conjunct neptune in my natal and venus in my 12th house, does that make me similar to venus in pisces xxx I ask because I attract men with mars in pisces and men who have pisces as a descendant/7th house , Hi Ami, Lilith-Mars Aspects in Synastry (conjunction, sextile, trine, opposition, square) Lilith-Mars aspects are all about clash of desires. Lilith and Ceres conjunct in the synastry chart Your rebellious free spirit and nurturing sides are enmeshed. The same with nessus conjunct ASC? Just for fun: several INTENSE synastric aspects - Lindaland - Linda Goodman Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Is this something that reliably and consistently is reflected in a variety of different charts? Nessus and Dejanira do most certainly not mean abuse. It took me a minute to think about the wounded bird types, but I think you might be right. His dejanira is in opposition to his vertex. You are very welcome, my Friend. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Most karmic astrology synastry reports dont take Chiron into account nearly enough. This is not dark sexual, per se. Required fields are marked *. My eros was conjunct someone's mars and I did feel like whenever he was sexual, it was very erotic. If you see any intense conjunctions between the Sun, the Moon, Juno, the South Node, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Lilith, etc. What would you say about moon conjunct pluto in a composite chart. xxx, This may make Nessus and what it means i.e abuse, something that is a deep subject with you and on one which you contemplate. Sun and Lilith aspects in the Synastry Chart: How do you - 12andus -Eros conjunct their personal planets ( Sun,Moon,Venus, Mars etc.). Do you see what I mean. M. % would be more ambient but felt imo Maria dear. What conjuncts your Aura? The Moon person feels comforted by the Sun person's energy and the Sun person feels like they can be vulnerable with the Moon person. It seems like the man of your childhood dreams walked out of the ether into your life like the larger than life heroes on the movie screens. Lilith person helps Ceres person find their power and authenticity. You lose about 25% but still have about 75%. They play out to have a certain pattern to the relationship. I just got into astrology a month ago and find it fascinating. Many people say they have overcome things but I watch their actions and see they are lying. Dejanira (female) conjunct Saturn (male) He has a strong nessus (conjunct with his sun + true node in cancer ). How would it play out if my boyfriends Dejanira is conjunct my venus/juno conjunction but my venus/juno is part of a grand trine with my midheaven and also my moon/Bella/mars/pluto conjunction? Think sitting next to a roaring fire. I would say no, but I am not the last word in anything. This will be HOT. Posts: 9778 From: Death Star . Why dont you put up your chart in my Forum and ask your question again. Another asteroid that is dark is Dejanira. She is deeply alluring and irresistible. we also have Eros (his) conjunct my Lilith and Pluto (mine) conjunct his Venus. Do these asteroids have to be conjunct planets or square each other to be dangerous? Making people fear being in relationships over tiny aspects that do not have an incredibly high chance of playing out is not healing to others. What significance would you place on someones Juno conjunct my vertex, south node as well as very-widely conjunct my sun (same sign). Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. You made my day, Juice and Welcome! I dont think you can draw the concrete conclusion you did from these aspects. That being said, the charts WILL play out, imo and ime. Free Horoscopes charts, calculations Birth Natal Chart Online Calculator Ascendant, Rising Sign Calculator Astro Portrait: Sun, Moon, ASC Personal Daily Horoscope Transit Chart Calculator Secondary Progressions Solar Arc, Solar Return, Prognoses Synastry, Composite, Davison Chart Traditional Astrology Calculator Sidereal Astrology Calculator Draconic Astrology Calculator Various astrology . I will try to maintain rock solid boundaries and not get led into any weirdness as nothing is amiss yet. PROSERPINA conjunct EROS (055') IP: Logged. I also have Nessus in 22 Virgo exactly opposite my Sun, conjunct my Asc in 18 Virgo, and I am NOT an abuser, unless its in self defense.Either way, I dont enjoy hurting people. I know how important moon moon aspects are to you, Venus pluto aspects You find them sexually attractive. This totally depends on someone as a person. In fact, it is the opposite. 1) Planetary house overlays (1, 5, 7, 8, 9 = most important) 2) Planetary aspects. Finding Jesus is all that really matters in life. Moon conjunct pluto Im composite and moon in 12th house composite (our feelings were a secret for a long time as we didnt know how we felt and were not able to be together for a long time). I am Sag with rising capricorn and he is Capricorn w/rising Sag. But, I will take sides with Sydney on this issue. Eros & Psyche in. Or can my Sun hurt the person. I was thinking that maybe one of the lesser factors could be moon/mars contacts? Check out our 40+ page relationship astrology eBook! Eros is a spicy little asteroid who generates excitement in relationship astrology. There are millions of possible outcomes, and none should be claimed as the truth. Eros Synastry: The Nodes and Major Angles of Your Chart (Conjunctions I need to put it altogether after several hours of study to answer well. If you want to end it, be upfront and be kind. It would simply be different. Relationships that provoke her and Eros, although excruciatingly potent at times, serve as a meeting place for both divine figures. I am prone to being attacked in this way. I have Dejanira in Pisces in the 4H. (Conjunction, Opposition, Trine, Sextile, Square! Please post the charts. This can indicate marriage, but it can also indicate a long-term romantic or sexual relationship. The flip side is that when it ends( and it usually does) you could go to jail for homicide. Still, even without the conjunction, I have Nessus in the 1st house, which would make me abusive, according to these theories, and I dont fit. I reply to the comments out of order because I do it on the central comment form. His Pluto sextile my moon, His Jupiter conjunct my moon and his Neptune conjunct my moon, also his mars opposite my venus, is that conducive to passion and helping me release my cancer 8th house sun conjunct north node repressesion? I think Chiron is extremely important in any synastry chart because it speaks to the deepest wounds created between two people. He may abuse her and it would be seen publicly. TEA & ROSEMARY LLC. This would take a whole chart reading. Your passions are overwhelming, spontaneous, and you develop your attractions without even thinking about it. Isis Conjunct the Vertex. But interested to see how things unfold. What about a mars 8th house overlay also trining pluto? Can this aspect be calmed down by a Mars conjunct Saturn contact? But I did find out that her Amor conjuncts their Dejanira-Nessus conjunction, so her Dejanira is conjunct her Amor. This is not to say it would be better or even easier. My Dejanira is square his venus (-0a) and conjunct his vertex (0s). Next, I have uncovered that in my Draconic Dejanira is 1 degree conjunct my natal Scorpio Moon. Thank you, Lo and Welcome The Lilith person brings sexual energy that is literally untamed. The asteroid Eros plays a role in sexual attraction as well. Yes, that is a good way to put it. I came across your blog post and so went through my charts looking for couple friends and this one came up as having the conjunction. If it feels too, too good to be true, it often is. Thanks :), When Eros touches the Sun, the energy of both the Sun and Eros awaken between . They often indicate a desire to sexually conquer/arouse one another. What are your thoughts? Asteroids touching asteroids are not as powerful as asteroids touching persona; points on the chart such as the ASC, Moon, Sun, Venus etc. The nessus and deja conjunction is in Cancer. The Sun person naturally understands who the Moon person is and vice versa. If the man is the Dejanira, he would be the victim. When she contacts Eros in another, the answer to that question is found in the heart of a powerfully erotic relationship. 4. I generally cannot stand them, and their tendency to be arogant and conceited towards anyone who doesnt think the way they do does come across as downright abusive to me. ami, what would nessus trine dejanira in synastry indicate. I just found out my abusers Moon is 1 degree conjunct my Dejanira. I do keep finding myself attracted to people who seem to have a strong primal power under the surface, and I dont really feel connected to Pluto myself (I dont know if thats on purpose or simply because its otherwise weakly aspected in my chart). or is the bad guy Nessus only dangerous when in conjonction with Dejanira ? Sorry, lol. We are to take the blueprint that is given and then do what we want with it. What does this conjunction mean in a synastry? What do you think? All this is square my Moon. That mars/nessus of his is also square his moon/pluto. There are many past life synastry charts that dont show marriage through these 5 obvious aspects, but its clear from reading the whole chart that the pair had a significant relationship in a past life. They made my day, Jeanie. When the son grows up, he will likely be the abuser,too. Eros in Synastry - Astrology Anonymous That is what I was saying. Lilith brings up deep and primal sexual energy sometimes accompanied by feelings of anger and rage. You can say you did it and you can help the next person who comes along. In the rare instance where these two do meet, the results are truly awe inspiring, changing our lives in intense and lasting ways. His touch is all at once sexual, creative and spiritual. As a result, this aspect can feel like opening a can of worms that literally fly, not crawl, out of the unconscious. Is this a synastry, Ariel? I do charts for the people who want them. Not sure which one id prefer. More about Synastry (relationship Astrology) Intermediate and advanced students of Astrology might enjoy our article, SoulMate . Uranus/Mars in synastry can be kinky. I just want to let people know that things are not as clean cut and set in astrology as it is written sometimes because things that are presented as the only possible, likely truth will make people will fear astrology and the people around them if they look into isolated aspects from small asteroids and planets alike. And when you really think about it this line of thought deserve to be abused is quite sociopathic in nature. Lilith desires sacred sex above all things. In this case Nessuus is retro in conjunction with the North node. It may seem challenging but we share many conjunctions and trines/sextiles. Thank you, Kay <3 In my studies and usage of them, they play out to be the abuser and the victim. You, as the Pluto in the trine with his Sun and venus could kind of see through him lol, Thank you Amy for your reply We are both passionate, but luckily, by nature, not violent people thank God . Theyre still deeply in love and their synastry and composite charts support it. Lilith Conjunct Ascendant Synastry Sun Conjunct Lilith Synastry This connection will burn as hot as the sun! If other aspects and planets in the chart point to marriage, then it was probably a romantic, attractive marriage where the couple did not see each other all day, did not share a bedroom, had a large household staff, lived apart, etc. Theyre both devoted and kind people and Ive known her since we were teens. To make it simple for those of you who are on the same path, Ive rounded up the top 5 placements that indicate a past life marriage. However, if the time is right, for sure, I would trust the chart over a personal account. We are dealing with very primal emotions here and we all know what primal emotions and passions can do if a person is not careful. I often see this aspect in the charts of couples who have been married for many years. Thank you so much, Love. Eros represents our passionate and erotic energy and how we use it. It may be off a few minutes and change things. I didn't eroticize his everyday actions. Do you have their synastry you could post on my Forum? vertex conjunct moon and ascendant in scorpio can make it dark too? His natal mars, lilith, pluto conjunction is conjunct my ic and I've distanced myself from him knowing that he has wayyyy too much power over me, but every time I see him I can barely stand and immediately start shaking I am glad my post was helpful! This is a difficult aspect, but the couple often meets in this life to try and heal the wound. 2021 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. If you do this, Astrology will serve its purpose, which is to warn and alert people to possible problems and even dangers.