Increased the Russian AIs priority to invite countries to its faction. Replace X with the letter that represents the ideology or . Fixed the Left Kuomintang being unable to interact with KMT Liangguang. Fixed Belgium ending the Weltkrieg if it went independent. Fixed Germanys Bring Back Order focus sometimes not giving the proper effect. Fixed Sdwestafrika being unable to attack the owner of Barotseland. Fixed Iceland keeping its faction-specific national spirits upon annexation. POL now loses Monarchist Sympathies when puppeted. The Austro-Hungarian crownlands AI should now be more willing to support Austria in their wars. Swapped the effects of several Argentinean advisors. Anqing and Nanjing Clique Yiguandao/KMT decisions have been improved and cleaned up. Greece being booted from its faction upon taking the Megali focus is no longer automatic - the faction leader is notified by event and may elect to support them or not. Fixed the Second in Command of a country not properly being referred by name in the text. Yunnan will now remove its ministers when appropriate, to stop itself from having 4+ ministers. Improved the AI priority of navy technologies, so that it will research 1940+ designs, and research navy-related techs, depending on its dockyard count. Fixed the Millet Mektepleri decisions requiring a specific focus for the Ottomans. Replaced Ludwig Reuter and Wilhelm Souchon as German admirals, for Max Bastian and Willy von Nordeck. TAN can now integrate China if led by a Han regime, The Gruppa di Difesa Della Donna template added for the SRI is no longer locked, SRI can no longer join the Third Internationale if it declares war on a fellow socialist country before joining the faction, All SRI decisions to build factories now require PP and civilian_factory_use, and take longer to build; they no longer need to be done only one at a time, however, The bonuses provided by many SRI economic and military ideas have been significantly nerfed across the board, Italian focuses which add resources have been moved to decisions, so they can be available to other tags if/when Italy is united, Legionary Italy now gets its navy back from Venice, upon taking Venice during the revolt, Fixed Portugal not joining the Entente if MAF is dead, again, The Netherlands no longer trade with their enemies, Fixed Japan's collapse resurrecting a dead Russia in Transamur, ROM can no longer release Greater Hungary, ANI Italy actually tries to beat Venice, for real this time, America can now actually ask for their vote back in the Legation Council, Fixed Legation Council vote timer appearing for nations not on the Council, Austria can still do their Secret Deal path. Fixed several unique classes of battlecruisers being defined as battleships. Custom GUI in the stateview that shows which Province Chinese states belong to, similar to the new Ottoman GUI, The above GUI now shows the status of replacing the governors in the Reestablish Order decision tab for Anqing, Germany can now influence the Portugal-Mittelafrika peace deal, Redone the Socialist Anti-Colonial Committee focus for the Commune of France to match with the changes in National France, Added camels to the Middle East nations, Ethiopia, Somalia and National France, Internationale and Entente/Reichspakt countries will now embargo each other when joining the faction. Readded a bunch of missing US company logos, Fixed socialist SAF getting Nuweweld decisions, Fixed the Ma Clique peace and collapse events. Fixed Japan intervening to help a dead Fengtian. Removed an Egyptian national spirit that had no relevant effects. Fixed Sardinia and Sicily constantly giving territory to each other. The AI will no longer refuse to go to war with each other in the League War. The Italian Republic can no longer call Two Sicilies to war with the Socialist Republic of Italy, if already capitulated. Fixed Japans Samurai Lineage trait name and description not appearing. Fixed Romania not annexing Cernauti in a peace conference. Legation Cities idea representing Qing influence should be removed in the right cases. Fixed Romanias Factions of the Legion decisions missing AI factors. Buffed the Bolivian military focus tree to increase its chances against Paraguay and Chile. Fixed Oman suddenly regaining ownership of the Oman state, without notifying Saudi Arabia. Fixed Fengtian not checking if it has the railway modifier, before trying to remove it. Slightly tweaked the process involved to form Scandinavia. Fixed Kumul Khanate having the incorrect flag / map colour. Added a leader description to the Baltic States Inner Circle. Added economic development decisions for Uruguay. Liberal United Baltic Duchy can now actually fix emigration. Great War tanks can no longer be converted into heavy tanks. Fixed puppet Netherlands not being able to access its tree. Added Manuel Barreto Risco and Jos Agustn Haya de la Torre as generals for syndicalist Peru. Tweaked the name for Assyrias AutDem/PatAut/NatPop party. The Princely federation can now align with Japan provided the latter is in a war with one of its Indian rivals. Added an event about a failed Fevzi coup for OSP-led Turkey. The Left Kuomintang theorists Dai Anlan and Su Yu are now focus-dependent. Uruguay now leaves the Entente or the Reichspakt if it elects the RadSocs. Please note that we are delaying the update to the music mod by a few days to let us deal with any issues with the main mod first. Fixed a couple of minor US election bugs. Updated the text for the Stone Mountain Combined Syndicates event. Fixed the RUS Zemstvo flags not being properly cleared if events were delayed. Fixed Haiti getting docking rights from Germany, instead of the other way around. The United States can now attack Germany properly if the latter has puppeted France and Russia. Added a new national spirit icon for the Left Kuomintang. Ship equipment was completely revamped to be in line with Vanilla and easy to maintain in cases of further changes to the naval system from PDX side. Socialist puppet South Africa will no longer have elections in 1943 or 1948 reverting ideology to Social Conservative. Fixed Fengtian being able to attack a country that it doesnt border. Poland no longer requires Lesotho to build ships. Fixed Percy Stephenson not correctly becoming a country leader when elected in 1939. Fixed the Ottoman Empire not turning into Turkey correctly. Increased the debuff given to the French Republic for occupying Romandy. Reduced the completion time of Austria's foreign policy national focuses. The OTL Sudeten states are essentially redundant because they only are in vanilla to simulate the temporary 1938-9 border, but there is no need for KR to simulate the Munich Diktat and Pan-German nationalists claimed the entirety of Bohemia. Nerfed Shanxis compliance gain bonuses to be more inline with other Chinese splinters, The Collapse of Shanxi decision is now directly tied to forming the Zhongyuan Government. Fixed Intermarium divisions spawning in Brazil. Fixed a German puppet socialist leader not being promoted correctly. Romania's Legionary Veterans divisions are now disbanded if the Legion loses power. Sdwestafrika receiving support from Germany against Ovamboland will now delay South Africas intervention. Fixed Russia not gaining cores on some Eastern European states when integrating them. Redrew the borders and state boundaries for Shanxi and Xikang. Fixed Chile remaining part of the Phalanstre, after being puppeted by a non-socialist country. Added 4 new political advisors and a military high command advisor to Patagonia. Added Li Jiayu as a general for MarLib/SocCon Sichuan. The Left Kuomintang now releases puppet Indochina and Vietnam led by the VNQQD. Douglas MacArthur now has a unique description if he is an elected President. NFA should not be trying to place too many factories in Paris through decisions to avoid slot overflow. Fixed socialist Ireland joining the Reichspakt. It now starts as Paternal Autocrat, in coalition with AuthDems and SocCons. Persia can now gain claims on Armenias western provinces. The war starts when World Tension, which is raised via other wars or events, reaches 75%. Halved the time it takes for Muscat to seek a guarantee. PatAut Peru can now get rid of the APRA debuff. Fixed claims being improperly dispensed in the Ryneveld doctrine, Fixed the Victory in the Boer War event firing twice when Natal would win the Boer War. Removed Rupprecht von Bayern as a Field Marshal for Germany at game start. Mittelafrikan splinter states (shared focus trees). Added new names to Hungarian divisions and technologies. Added Olegario Reyes Del Ro and Luis Villarroel de la Rosa as Chilean admirals. Fixed the Ottoman revolts firing even when the areas are occupied by someone else. Added a decision for Kenya to join the Entente, when at peace. Fixed Xinjiang giving industry to a Left Kuomintang that doesnt exist. Added a unique description and trait to Ahmed IV of the Ottoman Empire. Fixed Russia giving away its entire country in exchange for an alliance. Fixed mismatched effect and text in the Manchu Qing events and decisions to attack the Ma Clique and Concessions. Should Austria be conquered or lose its faction through the Treaty of Budapest, Italy will be able to join the Reichspakt (in this instance, this also applies to a National Populist Italy). Occupied Alfld event for Romania is a bit less frequent. The Golestan Pact will now be dissolved if Persia chooses to ally with the Bharatiya Commune. Ramirezs Argentina can now access its political tree if he comes to power after the FOP refuses reunification. A restored United Kingdom is now much less likely to claim Northern Ireland if Ireland is in the Entente. Fixed Flanders remaining at war with Insulindia. Fixed Jabal Shammar causing two Najds to exist. Azerbaijan no longer joins the Ottoman Empires faction during the War in the Desert - it will only declare war on Persia separately. Fixed the Netherlands CNA Schism event firing for coalition CNA. Overhauled the Indian portraits and rosters. Polands decisions to peace out with the Third Internationale or the Moscow Accord no longer need respective high levels of socialist or nationalist support. The VNH doesnt introduce a private welfare initiative after taking power anymore in the Netherlands. Rebalanced the Mitteleuropan Ostwall mechanic slightly, and implemented NSB's armour templates. Fixed countries that are spawned by civil wars being automatically embargoed by everyone else. Improved the AIs political power rationing and espionage tactics. The bug that prevented the peace conference AI from working properly in 0.13.2 has been fixed. Tibet now restricts itself when dividing China with Mongolia. Fixed Socialist Russia not getting their generals back from France and Patagonia, when the Second Russian Civil War starts. Fixed socialist Finland having access to the pro-German naval tree. Transamurs tree has received an update, now focused on taking back the country during the Weltkrieg - as such, its AI will no longer be passive during the war, and may attack Russia if not puppeted by Japan beforehand. Added Lderitz as a Victory Point for South West Africa. The Italian Republic and Socialist Italy can now unify Italy during the Weltkrieg. Fixed the Dutch East Indies / Insulindia peace deal firing multiple times. Hundreds of text typo fixes and standardisations. Fixed Shans missing leader description for Sao Shwe Thaik. Fixed SAF keeping wartime resistance after the Weltkrieg ends. Germany now starts with two heavy tank divisions. Added events to Assyria informing them on whether or not they will get Entente support. Removed the Consumer Goods bonuses from Irelands trade national spirits. Fixed the secret deal with Hungary path for Austria. This part is about the new . Fixed the Mongolian democratic game rule. Removed the penalties in the Russian Socialist Republic Red Guard army path. Added a missing impassable adjacency in the Pyrenees. Argentina can now send volunteers to Papal States, via its national focus, more easily. ROM and GRE can now continue the Balkan War independently. Open 'Documents\Paradox Interactive\Hearts of iron IV\Save Games' , open the newly created savegame file, search (CTRL-F) for the name of your generic created Admiral. Fixed Dai Chunfengs missing advisor description for the Left Kuomintang. Updated AI focus priority for the United Baltic Duchy. Greece now can continue the war with the Ottomans, if they are peaced out when the Megali War and War in the Desert coincide. Manchu-led Qings Zongshe Party can now negotiate with Germany to maintain some support. Removed the A New 1066 event for the Union of Britain, which granted free spawned divisions. Fixed Belgium accessing both investigations at once. Assyria can now receive one extra volunteer from any Entente country that aids them. Araucania no longer gets socialist generals or nationalised rails. Added target existence checks to a number of CHI decisions. Fengtians Restore the 1923 Constitution national focus now requires Beijing to be controlled. Fixed Fengtian getting two regionalist unrest national spirits. Fixed Russia being released always resulting in Kuban being retained. Tweaked Cyprus AI so that it will prioritise on defending the island. Lowered the population of South West Africa and has a single factory. Fixed the annexation event for Libya when Ifriqiya has already been formed. Fixed Australasia causing an early Entente-Reichspakt war. The Socialist Republic of Italy Siamic aircraft designer now has a new trait, so that it is different from the Kingdom of Two Sicilies designer Aeronautical Sicula, which they can inherit. SocDem Germany will now wait until after the war to grant Poland independence. Fixed the revolter in the Lianguang Civil War getting a wargoal on itself. Game rules Masters of Our Own Destiny" and The Necessary Evil should now work as intended, and actually cause Fengtian to go the path it says it will. New England no longer has to be at peace to open safehouses. Fixed Wang Lingji staying in Qing after the Manchu Coup. Fixed South Africas "Start a Public Works Program" being available without the required National Focus. Fixed Ottoman authority level effects not correctly show their tooltips. Japan no longer gets Germany's Chinese ports if it has been defeated by China beforehand. Polands Red Intermarium no longer inherits the other countries troops. Fixed Brazil removing their Black Monday national spirit not bypassing some related national focuses. Poland now starts the game giving military access to all of the Reichspakt. We are aware of many people still having trouble with the new launcher. Added some checks to Icelands national spirits. Fixed Yasin Al Hashimi staying in Turkey and not going to Iraq. Added a couple of missing operative mission modifier text entries. Removed the Russian general Bronislav Kaminski. Arc Words: All five of the World In Kaiserreich videos focusing on the post-collapse American nations start with a variation on the sentence "A long time ago, the United States was a land of vast opportunity and promise."making it the arc words for the second civil war in a way.