Working Without a Permit If the permittee has been issued a summons/NOV for working without a permit, all future permit requests may be placed on hold until the applicant takes out a permit of record for the work that was performed. THIS STIP IS USED FOR SINGLE CUTS IN THE CURB/PARKING LANE. If applicable, a permit from the Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) for the placement of a canopy in ahistoric district or attached to a landmarked building. Regular Input and Attendance of Decision Makers at Coordination The suspension does not apply to emergency authorizations and permits (see Section 3.6.1 Emergency Utility Access Cover Openings and Emergency Street Openings). Emergency work will not be placed on hold and shall proceed in accordance with Highway Rules, Section 2-11 (g). First, the applicant must obtain authorization from the Highway Inspection and Quality Assurance (HIQA) unit for the placement of the canopy at the proposed location. 3.1 General Provisions For Construction-Related Permits (718) 391-1937 IN AREAS WHERE A FENCE/BARRICADE USAGE IS PERMITTED THE FENCE/BARRICADE CANNOT OBSTRUCT, RESTRICT OR COMPROMISE THE SIGHT LINES OF PERDESTRIAN/VEHICULAR INTERFACE. The protected streets layer is current as of the previous business day. Additional information regarding embargo periods is provided in Chapter 3, Section 3.6.2. Home | Pedestrian Ramp Program For building operations, a crane permit is required for all cranes and derricks operating in the street on building construction or related activity under the jurisdiction of DOB, with the exception of truck cranes with telescopic, hydraulic or folding booms, over 50 feet and not more than 135 feet with a maximum rated capacity of 3 tons, for which a construction activity permit has been issued. WHEN THE LANDSCAPE IS WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF ANY OTHER JURISDICTION SUCH AS PRIVATE PROPERTY, STATE, FEDERAL ETC., IT IS THE PERMITTEES RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE THE PROPERTY OWNER AND OBTAIN THE WRITTEN APPROVAL. Canopy permits are generally taken out by building owners, business owners, and canopy installers. IF RENEWED OR REISSUED, THIS PERMIT SHALL NOT BE PLACED ON HOLD. Department of Transportation. (212) 839-8856, The Bronx PERMITTEE/SPONSORING AGENCY REQUIRED TO POST ADVISORY SIGNS ON THE SEGMENT AFFECTED MIN 48-HRS PRIOR TO CHANGING EXISTING SIGNS. To release a POL hold, the Division of Traffic Operations, Office of Street Lighting must be contacted. Office hours: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM, The Bronx NYC Parks & Recreation Office hours: 8:30 AM-5:00 PM, Queens Any foundation material not meeting specifications must be removed. MUST TINT CONCRETE TO MATCH ASPHALT. ODTRES-RESTORE AS PER SKETCH#10 OF DOT'S PROTECTED STREET RESTORATION REQ'MENTS. Cranes may require permits from DOB in addition to NYC DOT. THIS PERMIT ONLY ALLOWS FOR THE CLOSURE OF A ROADWAY OR SIDEWALK AS STIPULATED. CPO holds will typically be released by DDC if the proposed work does not interfere with its schedule. Applications for most permit types can be submitted to the Manhattan Central Permit Office. VMS BOARD MUST BE REMOVED UPON COMPLETION OF THE APPROVED CLOSURE. AS COORDINATED WITH COMMUNITY BOARD, CON ED. Copies may be accepted if approved by the Permit Office in advance. If a private homeowner is applying for a Sidewalk Repair Permit, and will be making the repair by himself/herself, the homeowner may apply for a permit by mail. BROOKLYN BRIDGE CONTRACT 6 WILL REQUIRE NUMEROUS OVERNIGHT AND WEEKEND CLOSURES OF INBOUND VEHICULAR TRAFFIC. THIS PERMIT BECOMES VOID WHEN THE BUILDING STRUCTURE FIRST FLOOR LEVEL IS COVERED BY A ROOF, SECOND FLOOR OR A SECOND FLOOR SLAB. CONTRACTORS SHALL NOTIFY IN WRITING BY LETTER POLICE, FIRE, EMS, COMMUNITY BOARDS, AND ALL PROPERTY OWNERS ON THE AFFECTED STREET SEGMENT A MINIMUM OF 7 CALENDAR DAYS PRIOR TO CLOSURE. NYC Parks & Recreation The installation and repair of this infrastructure is crucial to maintaining and strengthening the city's competitive position in the global economy. A dismissal inspection is always required to close out a violation. Fax: (718) 298-7075, Staten Island (part-time office) Upon receipt of the above and verification for completeness, a Sidewalk Repair Permit will be issued and mailed to the applicant. THIS PERMIT IS BEING ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE PERMITTEE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR 12"BEYOND FURTHEST CUT TO CURB LINE FOR ALL CUTS AS AGREED TO W ITH THE BOROUGH ASHO'S OFFICE. Concrete (CON) hold All permits issued to work on concrete portions of the roadway are automatically placed on hold until a HIQA inspector performs an inspection of the work site to establish existing conditions before work begins. IT IS THE PERMITTEE'S RESPONSIBILITY TO COORDINATE WITH DDC'S WALL STREET WATER MAIN PROJECT EIC AT (212)791-8170 PRIOR TO BEGINNING A WORK OPERATION. Specific requirements for filling in abandoned vaults can be found in Section 2-13(o) of the Highway Rules. Fax: (212) 788-3086, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Further information on responding to CARs may be found in the Highway Rules, Section 2-02(d). Homeowners applying for Sidewalk Construction permits who intend to do the work themselves do not need to register. Kew Gardens, NY 11415 Street lights and signals at corners must be sited so that they do not obstruct pedestrian ramps, ensuring sufficient access to the sidewalk for all pedestrians, including those using mobility devices. MAINTAIN 2 LANES SOUTHBOUND AND 1 LANE NORTHBOUND FROM 7AM-9AM M-F. At the HIQA borough office, applicants will be given a Canopy Authorization Application (. RED LIGHT CAMERA CONDUIT IS LOCATED IN YOUR PROPOSED WORK AREA. WORK 9 PM TO 6 AM NIGHTLY. NO WORK MAY EXTEND MORE THAN 8 FEET FROM CURB WITHOUT EXPLICIT AUTHORIZATION OF MTCCC. AREAS WHERE THE MINIMUM CANNOT BE ACHIEVED, CONTRACTOR MUST FIRST OBTAIN WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE DEPARTMENT. To this end, NYC DOT has dedicated time and resources to enhance its own systems and coordination efforts. PERMITTEE SHALL NOT DISRUPT OR DAMAGE SENSORS INSTALLED WITHIN THE PARKING_LN. ). Fax: (718) 965-7753 The New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) has adopted specifications and regulations stipulating how street work must be performed in order to minimize disruption and maintain the integrity of the street surface. (V) THE AREA CREATED BY EXTENDING THE BUILDING LINE TO THE CURB (THE"CORNER") OR THE AREA TEN FEET FROM EITHER SIDE OF THE CORNER (THE"CORNER QUADRANT"). WORK 7 PM-10 AM WEEKNIGHTS. Click here for a copy of the Instructions for Permittee Registration Application. Brooklyn, NY 11211 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, South Queens (south of the LIE) The Permit Bureau issues a number of different categories of construction-related permits for work on a street. HIQA performs inspections during active construction through its completion and up to the end of the Guarantee Period. Any emergency work on a street that involves opening a utility access cover to gain access to an underground facility on a critical street during restricted hours requires an EAN. All applications for construction or repair of a transformer vault must be accompanied by an electric utility company layout, and must comply with the minimum clearance requirements for transformer vaults unless an approval or waiver is obtained from the appropriate agency or utility (more information is available inAppendix B, Forms). The list of protected streets is updated daily and is accurate as of the previous business day. The permittee must attach a copy of the original permit to the application when requesting a re-issuance and all applicable reviews and fees will apply. Projects requiring sidewalk closure may require additional permits. The full list of Canopy Permit types is shown in the table. WORK 9 AM TO 7 PM SATURDAY AND 10 AM TO 7 PM SUNDAY. Listed in the table are the most commonly requested Building Operations/Construction Activity Permit types, which may be used when completing an application. These are in addition to the "Common Requirements" listed at the beginning of this section. NYC DOT's concrete repair schedule for roadways, sidewalks and other assets in the street can also be accessed from this link. (212) 839-8980 Concretemust be poured and finished in accordance with NYC DOT Standard Highway Specifications. NO NOISY OPERATIONS MAY OCCUR AFTER 10:00 PM. NYC DOT disclaims any liability for omissions or errors that may be contained herein. ALL WORK TO MEET OR EXCEED NYC DOT STANDARDS. PRIOR TO BEGINING ANY WORK, TO ENSURE THAT YOU RESTORE THE AREA IN-KIND, YOU MUST CONTACT THE NYCDOT RED LIGHT CAMERA UNIT TO OBTAIN THE CONSTRUCTION AND MARKINGS PLANS FOR THIS WORK AREA. Long Island City, NY 11101 To release a VLT hold, the Permit Offices Plan Examination Unit must be contacted. 233 Schermerhorn Street, 11th Floor (718) 391-1958 STREETBOND COLORANT IS ADDED TO PROVIDE COLOR. Failure to comply with an order issued by the Commissioner may result in criminal or civil penalties. WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH OCMC STIP SHEET AND ALL VALID AMENDMENTS WHICH MUST BE ATTACHED TO THIS PERMIT AND ON SITE. The New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) has adopted specifications and regulations stipulating how street work must be performed in order to minimize disruption and maintain the integrity of the street surface. Manhattan / Central Permit Office This chapter describes the different types of permits that are issued by the New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT), the one-time permittee registration process, the application procedure for each permit type, and special circumstances and procedures. If the location is deemed suitable, HIQA signs the Canopy Authorization Form indicating HIQA approval and returns it to the applicant. New York, NY 10007 (718) 391-1008 View the most recent version of Drawing #H1029 of the NYC DOT. MAINTAIN FOUR 11 FOOT LANES, TWO 11 FOOT LANES ON EACH SIDE OF THE EXISTING CENTER MALL. If the installed canopy passes final inspection, HIQA releases the CAN hold on the canopy maintenance permit and notifies the original applicant. Tel: (212) 788-6600, New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) FULL SIDEWALK CLOSURE WITH WALKWAY IN ROADWAY, WEEKDAY NIGHTS 7PM TO 6AM AND FRI NIGHT 7PM THRU MON 6AM. Visit the DEC website at the following address to determine the appropriate contact, Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) Bus Operations A list of the forms most commonly used during this process can be found inAppendix B, Forms. Office hours: 8:30 AM-5:00 PM, Brooklyn "Base course" refers to the layer of material below the wearing course. SIGNS MUST BE POSTED AT WORK ZONES AS WELL AS BOTH INTERSECTIONS OF AFFECTED SIDEWALK. The pedestal is monolithically poured with the foundation. This Street Opening Permit retroactively covers the emergency street opening/excavation work already performed. If no changes are required, the permit will be released. NYC Government Publication | NYC DOT STANDARD DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION It is essential to call New York 811 before digging anywhere, including sidewalks and soil. WORK HOURS 9 PM TO 5 AM. NO WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED UNDER THIS PERMIT UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY AN ACTIVE VAULT PERMIT AT THE SAME LOCATION (EITHER PERMIT TYPE 117,107 OR 106). THE EMBARGO INCLUDES BUILDING OPERATIONS. A statement of the basic construction details including type, description and color of the canopy covering; type, diameter and gauge of all supporting members; description of the frame, wind bracing assembly and sidewalk and building fastenings; description of proposed lettering on the canopy covering including exact wording and dimensions thereof; three 5 inch by 7 inch photographs of the proposed site. OR PUBLIC PARK WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CITY OF NEW YORK PARKS AND RECREATION IS REQUIRED. SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. THE SITE OF YOUR PROPOSED WORK MAY BE WITHIN 100FT OF A BRIDGE STRUCTURE. Information on the restoration requirements for sidewalk repairs can be found inChapter 4 Executing Work in the Street. WORK 7PM TO 11PM MON. A copy of the form can also be foundin Appendix B, Forms. AT REQUEST OF DEP LETTER DATED 6/16/05 WITH C.B. Sidewalk GradesUnless granted a waiver from NYC DOT, permanent sidewalks must be laid to the legal curb grades. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON SITE. OCCUPY 12 FOOT WIDTH OF ROADWAY. Chapter 2 describes processes and tools to enhance advance planning and coordination of street work between NYC DOT's own capital resurfacing and reconstruction programs and the street infrastructure work of other stakeholders, especially those that perform a large number of street excavations. Only in circumstances where the applicant can demonstrate that the work could not have been reasonably anticipated prior to the street resurfacing/reconstruction will an application for a Street Opening Permit on a Protected Street be reviewed. 1/2RES-RESTORE AS PER SKETCH #8 OD DOT'S PROTECTED STREET RESTORATION REQ'MENTS. UPON COMPLETION OF INSPECTION, THIS PERMIT SHALL BE RELEASED OR REJECTED BY THE HIQA UNIT. CNRRES-RESTORE AS PER SKETCH #6 OF DOT'S PROTECTED STREET RESTORAITON REQ'MENTS. CONTAINMENT ONLY TO RESRTICT PARKING AND FOR STORAGE OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL/FILL. Interpreting Parking or Traffic Sign or Regulation Locate Parking Signs on Specific Streets Parking Sign Fact Sheet Parking in a School Zone Parking Rules School Bus Parking NYC DOT inspects sidewalks for defects and when a defect is identified, a Sidewalk Violation is issued to the property owner and a copy is submitted to the County Clerk's office. Typically, permits must be kept at the work site or designated field headquarters at all times and must be made available for inspection. A sidewalk is the portion of a street, intended for the use of pedestrians, between the roadway and adjacent property lines. Either response must be sent to NYC DOT's Division of Bridges at for review and release prior to commencing work. The Street Design Manual is New York Citys comprehensive resource for street design standards, guidelines, and policies. LIGHTS MUST BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO 11/16 AND REMOVED BETWEEN 01/02 AND 01/15. Applicants should indicate on the application, Application for Governmental Work Permit(s), their name and the name of the governmental agency or authority for which they are working. This list is provided as a reference tool, for informational purposes only, and is not an exhaustive list. Clicking on the "i" button at the top center of the map will change the cursor into an arrow with an "i" next to it. Long Island City, NY 11101 The Staten Island borough permit office also accepts applications for work on critical streets in Staten Island. WHEN THE LANDSCAPE IS WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF A LIMITED-ACCESS ARTERIAL HIGHWAY, WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE NYCDOT OCMC- HIGHWAYS IS REQUIRED.WHEN THE LANDSCAPE IS WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF A PUBLIC. Outlined below are the basic application procedures for Sidewalk Construction Permits. For further information regarding fees, the applicant should refer to Section 2-03 of the Highway Rules. Each canopy maintenance permit expires one year after the date of issuance, unless revoked sooner by NYC DOT. SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. NYC DOT's HIQA unit inspects work sites for compliance with Title 19 of the NYC Administrative Code, NYC DOT Rules and Regulations, NYC DOT specifications and NYC DOT permit stipulations. IF CURB LANE BECOMES A TRAVEL LANE THIS STIP DOES NOT APPLY. PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY WORK, TO ENSURE THAT YOU RESTORE IN-KIND, YOU MUST CONTACT THE NYC TRAFFIC PLANNING DIVISION TO OBTAIN THE CONSTRUCTION AND MARKING PLANS FOR SPEED REDUCER INSTALLATION AND ANY SIGNAGE ASSOCIATED WITH THE REDUCER. Click here for a completed. SECTION24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. BEFORE WORK, MUST COORDINATE AND OBTAIN APPROVAL FROM NYSDOT 9A EIC. DESIGNATED LANDMARK AREA. CGL insurance. (See Chapter 4, Section 4.5 Street Construction Inspections and Enforcement regarding the circumstances in which CARs may be issued.). FIRE/EMERGENCY ACCESS/EVACUATION POINTS FOR ALL BUILDINGS CANNOT BE ENCROACHED. If the applicant does not agree with the PM, he or she is informed of the appeals process. MAXIMUM OF 11 FEET OF ROADWAY MAY REMAIN CLOSED AFTER WORKING HOURS ONLY FOR CONCRTETE CURING. 1400 Williamsbridge Road, 1st floor Permit Bonds, as described in the Highway Rules, Section 2-02 (a) (4), should cover all permitted activities. Staten Island Download about 619 . The full list of rules and regulations is contained in the Highway Rules, Sections 2-02 and 2-04, and should be consulted before any work is performed on the street. New York, NY 10007-1216 THIS SEGMENT IS PARTIALLY DESIGNATED LANDMARK. ANY STORAGE OF MATERIAL OR STORAGE OF EQUIPMENT REQUIRES A SEPARATE PERMIT. RESTORATION OF ROADWAY WHICH HAS GREEN COLORED BIKE LANE MARKING MUST BE RESTORED AS FOLLOWS: FOUR COATS OF GREEN # 105953 RIDE-A-WAY COATING MATER'L MFG'D BY FLINT TRADING INC OR EQUIVALENT. OCMC will review the project to determine if a Community Reassessment Impact and Amelioration (CRIA) statement must be submitted to NYC DOT. SIDEWALK RESTORATION AT THIS LOCATION REQUIRES SIDEWALK STANDARD 4.13C. CONTRACTOR MUST CALL HIQA BOROUGH OFFICE BEFORE REPLACING COBBLESTONES SO HIQA CAN MONITOR THE REPLACEMENT. WORK MAY OCCUR 24 HOURS A DAY, SEVEN DAYS A WEEK. The purpose of placing a street in protected status is to maintain the integrity of a new street surface. The permittee must attach a copy of the original permit to the application when it is submitted for renewal and all applicable reviews and fees will apply. MOVEMENT RESTRICTIONS ALONG EXTERIOR STREET WILL BE IN EFFECT DURING ALL SPECIAL EMBARGOS AFFECTING THE AREA SUCH AS THE POPE VISIT AND ALL STAR GAME. There are separate permit applications for governmental work, Canopy Permits, and permit renewals and re-issuance, all of which are explained later in this chapter. AND SUN. Tel: (718) 815-8541 on hearing days NYC DOT's mission is to provide for the safe, efficient and environmentally responsible movement of pedestrians, goods, bicycles and vehicular traffic on the streets of the city of New York. BLNRES-RESTORE AS PER SKETCH #5 OF DOT'S PROTECTED STREET RESTORATION REQ'MENTS. 10 Richmond Terrace, Room 308 For Holds: (212) 748-6609 WORK FROM 7 PM FRIDAY THROUGH 6 AM MONDAY. Building Operations/Construction Activity Permits apply to construction activities that take place within the street and are generally associated with construction work adjacent to the street. The Third Edition of the Street Design Manual renews the Manuals status as a living document and reinforces its role as a critical resource for those working on projects in New York Citys public right-of-way. If the applicant makes any changes to these authorized representative(s), he or she must update the Permittee Registration Application. Whenever a permit has been issued in error and the conditions are such that the permit should not have been issued. All applications for construction or repair of a transformer vault must be accompanied by an electric utility company layout, and must comply with the minimum clearance requirements for transformer vaults unless an approval or waiver is obtained from the appropriate agency or utility (more information is available in. NYCStreets system will automatically block an applicant from submission if insurance is not current. Special and separate procedures govern emergency work: one for utility access covers (including those for "manholes," valve covers and grates) and one for street openings/excavations. Links were last checked January 2023. Customer Service: (718) 579-6920, Brooklyn Applicants have two options to acquire an emergency street opening/excavation permit. Exceptions include, Ribbon sidewalks are appropriate in R1-R6 zoning districts; full sidewalks are used elsewhere, Sidewalks should be as wide as possible appropriate to foot traffic and available street width, Sidewalks should always be provided on both sides of the street, A parks internal path located near a roadway does not substitute for a sidewalk, If the sidewalk is more than 25 feet wide, there should be a clear path adjacent to the building line and an 8-foot clear path adjacent to the curbside furnishing zone. Fax: 718-556-7305, The Bronx A separate permit is required for each street opening activity. These are in addition to the "Common Requirements" listed at the beginning of this section. Existing foundations at traffic signal locations in certain flood-vulnerable areas are being replaced with coastal storm foundations that incorporate a square concrete pedestal raising the electrical components above some flood depths. MUST MAINTAIN SAFE PASSAGE FOR PEDESTRIANS. New York City streets include a complex mix of assets such as electric, gas, telephone, cable, water, sewer and steam lines, requiring coordination among the different asset owners when street work is performed. The latest edition is available for purchase for $50 from the Office of the Agency Chief Contracting Officer, 55 Water Street, Ground Level, New York, NY, 10041. LANE MUST BE AN UNRESTRICTED PARKING LANE. Applicants must be registered with NYC DOT and have a Permittee ID Number, except in the case of a Sidewalk Repair Permit taken out by a homeowner, where the work will be performed by the homeowner. PLACE LEFT LIGHTED ARROW BOARD 24/7 NE CORNER OF AMSTERDAM AVE/W.60 ST. NO IMPACT ON 4 TRAVEL LANES AT ANY TIME. All borough Permit Offices accept money orders, company checks, certified checks and most major credit cards for permit fees. MAINTAIN 5 FEET FOR PEDS ON SIDEWALKS 15 FEET OR MORE IN WIDTH. Tel: 718-286-3170 MAINTAIN 1 - 11 FOOT LANE FOR 2 WAY THRU TRAFFIC W/FLAGGERS AT EACH END OF WORK ZONE. 66 John Street, 10th Floor Advance notice and coordination of planned street work is one of the most effective tools for reducing the number of street excavations on newly resurfaced or reconstructed streets. If a permit application includes permit requests to work on embargoed streets within 90 days prior to the start of the HE (November 16th), the permittee will be presented with a warning, during the application process, stating that such permit request(s) will be subject to the upcoming HE. WITHIN THIS 15 FEET THE FIRST 8 FEET ADJACENT TO THE CURB IS FOR MATERIALS/EQUIPMENT, THE THE REMAINDER OF THIS 15 FEET IS FOR 5 FOOT CLEAR FOR PEDESTRIANS WITH BARRIERS NO IMPACT ON THE REMAINDER OF THE 47 FEET OF THE REAMINDER OF THE ROADWAY AT ANY TIME._ MEC-07-270. PARKING OF NON-COMMERCIAL VEHICLES ON THE STREET (ROADWAY AND SIDEWALK) WITHIN WORK ZONES IS PROHIBITED. 30-30 Thomson Avenue, 4th Floor (212) 839-9666 A separate permit is required for each construction-related activity, except where otherwise provided in the Highway Rules or by permit stipulations. Download a PDF of the Lighting chapter for offline access to the content in this section. A Full Closure Review (FCR) hold is triggered when a street is closed for 90 days. Drawings are available in various formats including PDF (Acrobat), DGN (MicroStation Design File), DWG and DXF (AutoCAD Drawing), and other image types (TIF, DPR). SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPLUATED HEREIN. Click here to access theHighway Rules. RESTORE CONCRETE BASE. MAY BE INTERMITTENTLY CLOSED TO THROUGH TRAFFIC WITH THE USE OF FLAGGERS WHILE PROVIDING LOCAL ACCESS AT ALL TIMES FOR A MAXIMUM OF 90 MINS. 311 (or 212-NEW-YORK outside the City) Applicants who are registered as permitees (see Section 3.2) and are registered for on-line permitting can log-in to NYCStreets and submit a request for an emergency street opening/excavation permit. Brooklyn, NY 11241-0103 WORK SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH OCMC STIP SHEET AND ALL VALID AMENDMENTS, AND LOCATION SHEET WHICH MUST BE ATTACHED TO THIS PERMIT AND ON SITE. VIOLATORS SHALL BE FINED AND PERMITS WILL BE SUSPENDED FOR NON COMPLIANCE. WITH NYCDOT MILLING AND PAVING OPERATION. THIS PERMIT INCLUDES THE OCCUPANCY OF THE ROADWAY AND OR SIDEWALK BY BARRIERS FOR THE PURPOSE OF SAFETY AND PROTECTION SURROUNDING THE OPEN UTILITY COVER WHILE MAINTAINING A SHUNT. MAINTAIN A 5 FOOT CLEAR PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY IN ROADWAY. Customer Service: (718) 802-3675, Manhattan FULL BUILDING LINE RESTORATION IS REQUIRED FOR WIDTH OF THE ROADWAY. Your permit(s) must be reviewed and released by the OCMC Office. PERMITTEE MUST PROTECT DEP GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE DOWNSTREAM OF THE WORK OR WITHIN 5FT OF THE WORK AREA. New York City is brimming with construction activityfrom the building of skyscrapers, rehabilitating and reconstructing of bridges and roadways, to the digging of new subway lines. Brooklyn, NY 11201 FOR ANY CAPITAL WORK INVOLVING CURB-TO- CURB RESURFACING OF THE STREET,PERMITTEE AND RESIDENT ENGINEER FOR THE SPONSORING AGENCY SHALL NOTIFY THE APPROPRIATE DOT BOROUGH ADMIN. 3030 Third Avenue BACKFILL/COMPACT IN 12 INCH LIFTS. USE OF METERED,AUTHORIZED PARKING AND NO STANDING ZONES IS PROHIBITED. WORK HOURS 7 AM - 10 PM MON-FRI, AND 10 AM - 7 PM SAT AND SUN. MAY STORE TOOL CART IN PARKING LANE DURING NON-WORKING HOURS. ONLY FOR CORRECTIVE ACTION FOR SPECIAL EVENTS. Attn: Forestry Chapter 3 describes different types of construction-related permits issued by NYC DOT and outlines the application processes for each permit type. 30-30 Thomson Avenue, 4th Floor HIQA performs inspections during active construction. PERMITTEE IS PARTICIPATING IN CORE DRILLING PILOT PROGRAM. An online permit processing application significantly enhanced the efficiency of NYC DOT permitting operations. Contact PEU for further information regarding the procedure to obtain initial and final approval for a transformer vault. While Davit and Round poles are also standard poles, cost comparisons to the SS refer to the Octagonal. Who has been found liable by a court or in a proceeding before the ECB of a violation of a rule or order of NYC DOT or the terms or conditions of a permit issued by NYC DOT or other applicable law, which violation caused an imminent peril to life or property.