Easter Prayers - Xavier University Pray and say; Father, I thank you because I know that all power belongs to you, in Jesus name. Darling, on your Big Day, I pray that our heavenly Father bless you with good heath, long life and great prosperity in all spheres of your beautiful life. Often, we think that Biblical joy should feellike happiness. Come, Lordand come soon. Keep me abiding in Your love day by day so that Your joy in my life may be full, for in You is the fullness of joy, for which I praise and thank You.May I also abide in Your Word, for to know Your Word is to know You. Help me to see past the problems of today and keep my visions of eternity with You foremost in my mind. Goodness, mercy and peace eternal with glad tidings shall never cease from you and may your soul always find comfort. . Lead me from death to eternal life. In Jesus name, I pray. May a rainbow run beside you in a sky that's always blue. We ask this in Jesus' name, Amen. Prayer For Joy Psalm 118:24 creation life Though the fig tree does not bud Faithful God All fill them with your hope and joy. My heart is not always contrite and my posture is not always meek. Help me to share this joy of knowing Jesus with all those who You place in my path, and I pray that throughout the world there may be many sinners today who are saved by grace through faith in the shed blood of Christ Jesus, so that they too may experience the joy which is freely available to all who believe in the gospel of grace. 320 Royalty Free Joy Of God Clip Art - GoGraph Please help me show my thankfulness and gratitude to You. New Sermon & Worship inspiration Taking off weekly! Father, You command us to be joyful always, but You do not expect us to be able to figure out how to attain or retain that joy ourselves. Increase our love for one another and for You. There might be affiliate links on this page, which means we get a small commission of anything you buy. But I pray that You would grow me in humility, meekness, and grant me a contrite heart. Thank You for the joy of the Lord, which is my strength and stay. For each of us, may we look to the past so that we may learn . In the shadows I'll sing. Amen., O Father in heaven, I ask that you gladden and refresh my spirit. Come and Join the Celebration [with lyrics for congregations] When we face trials that are beyond our understanding, help us to find peace. You are Lord of lords and King of kings. In Jesus name, I pray. Heavenly Father, in a world that has so many difficulties and dangers Lord, it is so easy to allow my heart to become weighed down with pressures and overwhelmed with problems, and yet You have promised that the joy of the Lord is our strength and I thank You that Your strength is made perfect in my weakness. Your success this month shall attract celebrations. Sovereign Lord: we pray for our world, Your worldthat peace would displace war, health replace sickness, contentment replace hunger and thirst, understanding replace suspicion, compassion replace apathy, hope replace despair, and that Your Good News would be heard, known, and understood in every community, bringing hope and salvation in Jesus Christ. A Prayer for Cares and Concerns - Your Daily Prayer - July 26 Theres the joy and wonder of the living miracle of birth. In Jesus ' Name, Amen. Praise expresses approval. Happy birthday to you. Christ made Paul strong. Jamila Minnicks's heartfelt and riveting debut is both a celebration of Black joy and a timely examination of the opposing viewpoints that attended desegregation in America. Always be full of joy in the lord . World Prayers - Prayers of Celebration PDF March 5, 2023 *Final Song Be Thou My Vision Lent PDF Resources for Worship and Prayer from the Church of England Amen. Please draw myheart ever closer to Yours, that You would be the first One I run towhen my cup runs over with good news and celebration. We have hope that God can end this senseless war; end the tragic bloodshed, the destruction and the displacement of people in this beautiful country. May the joy of our nation's celebration renew them in heart and mind. I have so many things to be thankful for, yet I am missing joy. The wicked prosper, and the righteous suffer. Thank you for giving us the promise of eternity and everlasting life. A Prayer for Joy and Strength Father, Praise You for these lessons on strength and joy, and for Paul's faithful life witness left behind for us to learn from. This is where our true hope shines through. AMEN. This podcast is different than the written devotional you just read, but carries the same commitment to a closer look at Scripture each day. When I suffer despair and fear, lead me to hope and trust. Help me so that I can discover peace, prosperity, and happiness in life. Amen. It is not always easy to find joy in the middle of the chaos and difficulty that life brings us, and we need to often be intentional in our thoughts are prayer to bring and keep joy in our lives. Lord, I want to carry out my work each day to honour You and so I not only ask that You would continue to provide me with the strength, wisdom and grace I need to fulfil the many tasks and duties I am required to do each day, but that I may carry out my responsibilities with an inner peace and a joyful disposition, to Your praise and glory. That is why, for Christs sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. May evildoers and those who gossip to spread hate, keep their distance from me. Isa 12:3 As fresh water brings joy to the thirsty, so God's people rejoice when he saves them." 10. The joy of the Lord is my strength. Here are 10 powerful prayers to help you find joy. Dear Lord when I suffer despair and lack of confidence, lead me to hope, faith, and trust. Whenever you feel like life is getting a bit too tough, seek help and peace from these prayers and acquire the happiness you deserve. Amen. Please allow me to leave behind these feelings of sorrow and depression and erase my overlying, constant feeling of gloom. Give these a try: Hi, I'm Jennifer, and I couldn't be happier to have you visiting me at A Divine Encounter. There are things I am completely unaware of, that You have protected me from and rescued me out of. Prayers for the World 1. As we enter this Juneteenth holiday celebration let us remember all of our ancestors . This trial is revealing a lot about myself that is hard to face. Through tender love poems, righteous prayers, and vital provocations, we see the colonizers we carry within ourselves being laid to rest. As from today, you will rise above limitations and you shall testify to God's goodness in all that concerns you. In Jesus name, I pray. Fill my thoughts with delightful images and words, so happiness can arise and pull me out of despair. Baptism of Annie Joy Timmer WE HEAR GOD'S WORD Prayer Scripture - John 8:12-20 Leader: This is the Word of the Lord People: Thanks be to God. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. (Phil 4:12 NIV). Our heavenly Father, your love upon us is what has granted us the blessing to see this day. Paul wrote, I can do all this through Him who gives me strength. (Philippians 4:13 NIV) Paul knew what it meant to suffer. Trading My Sorrows by Darrell Evans (This one was a direct answer to a prayer and how I began speaking at/holding retreats. Please help me avoid the temptation to think that there is joy apart from you and your ways. The author of this prayer wishes readers to know that he wrote it for his own son when the child was just 14 months old. Please help me find joy in my surroundings and contentment with my circumstances. Even when I am lacking, and things dont turn out the way I expected, help me to rejoice in You, and be joyful in You because You are my Savior. Instil in our hearts the hope of our salvation, and surround each one of us with Your love and joy. I loved sharing them with all of my friends and also on Pinterest and Twitter. Happy birthday. They also observe fasts and stay up all night in prayer and meditation. All we need to be forgiven is to proclaim Him as Savior, but to retain joy in this life, we need Him all the time. 11. But Lord, Your word says that You will never change. Ever blessing the Lord, we sing His Resurrection, for having endured the Cross for us, He has destroyed death by death.". Amen.. Let your joy overwhelm us. Hear my prayer, O Jesus. Now that you've prayed, are you in need of someone to pray for YOU? Mental prayer, which the early Carmelites promoted and perfected, certainly may include a simple thought of thanksgiving lifted to God in the heart. Hold my hand, guide me, and let me live in Your perfect will. The uniqueness in all of us and the diversity in the daily horizon. Prayer for Joy and Hope O Lord, my King, bless my thoughts with hope for my future as I tread through the harsh happenings of this world. Prayer is one of the most powerful forces in the world. Please, as I look to find it, be with me and give me the perseverance, motivation, and ability to not give up. Dear Lord, thank You for my job and workmates, and thank You that I am able to provide for all my needs and nescessities and those of my family. Amen.". That is why, for Christs sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. The world around us and our day-to-day circumstances can strip us of living in the light of joy. We pray for those affected by natural disasters and the lingering effects of natural disasters: protect them and give them the aid they need. You call the weak, the meek, the humble, and the contrite to receive Your grace. With every step we take, we get to know Him more. I ask this in Jesus' name. I will place my anxieties at your feet in the knowledge that you gave me each struggle so that I may triumph and learn. VisitiBelieve.comfor more inspiring prayer content. Ive heard it said that its easy to praise God when life is good and skies are blue, but its harder to lift prayers of joy when trials loom large and stormy seas threaten to overwhelm us. Amen., Lord Jesus, every good gift is given to us by Your hand. Prayer For Celebration Of Life They can turn a negative feeling into a positive one, and turn your sad thoughts into happier ones. Allow peace to fill my heart, my life and my world. Help me always to rejoice in Your joy and to remain in Your love, so that my joy might be full and so that Your joy may well up in my heart and overspill to others, to the glory of Your name. We pray that Your joy and peace would rest upon us, and that we would be filled to overflowing with Your Holy Spirit, during this time together. Hear our prayers, Lord, for our nation. Bring gladness and joy to my heart, and restore to me the hope of salvation. Concerns and Prayers. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.. With Your upon me, I no longer feel sorrow or grief. May songbirds serenade you every step along the way. Thank you for taking the time to let me know. I have struggled with my own kind of hopelessness and joylessness. I suppose thats true in a sense, but over the course of my life, I see myself having a much harder time remembering God during seasons of joy than I doin seasons of difficulty. Even when I struggle and face obstacles, I will feel happy knowing that I am doing your bidding. Holy Mary, Mother of Joy: Pray that all our laws may protect and defend the innocent life which lives within each mother's womb. Church every Sunday. Pope asks us to add these 2 prayers to end of Rosary in month - Aleteia You are more of a friend to me than I am to myself., Heavenly Father, my heart has been shattered to pieces. We often refer to happiness as an emotion that we feel during good times. Amen. Have We Turned Our Favorite Preachers and Teachers into Idols? In Jesus holy name, I pray. Joy in itself is a blessing that we get to experience, and one that we can ask God to expand in us through prayer. Amen. Pour into my heart the joy of the Lord. Happy new month. I know that circumstances are ever changing. I pray that like them, I too may receive Your abiding joy and discover like them, that the joy of the Lord is my strength and that the peace that comes from You is an abiding peace that enables me to overcome all difficulties of life, in the power of Your Holy Spirit. Thank You for Scripture. Prayer for Joy and Contentment Dear Jesus, my mind cant seem to settle down and just live for today. Thank you for moments of great joy and laughter, for those moments that just make us smile; and we thank you for turning even our darkest moments to your good purposes. By trusting in Your promises and letting joy lead me, I know my struggles will become easier. Let something wonderful begin in us something surprising and holy. Amidah from the Jewish Faith "We give thanks to you, for you are the Lord our God and the God of our fathers forever and ever. Its in the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ, that I pray. In myself, I cannot boast, and my sinfulness has humbled me many times. A Short Prayer for Thanksgiving and Togetherness. An Uplifting Prayer for Joy in Every Circumstance - Crosswalk.com 800-810-1617 gograph@gograph.com . Were not saying that prayers can ultimately solve all your problemswhat we mean is that prayers can change the way you see things. In Jesus' name,Amen. Please use me to point others to Your hope. Dear Heavenly Father, I know that in You is joy everlasting and eternal hope and I have all that I need in You, but Lord I feel so empty of joy. This I ask in Jesus' name,Amen. Lord, I feel as if I am so far from You and I dont know what to do to sort it out.Lord, I come to You in my brokenness and confusion and ask that You would fill me with Yourself, for You are my God and I trust in the Lord Jesus Who died to pay the price for my sins. Thanks for sharing how this post encouraged you, friend. Enable them to have peace, and to know the hope Your life, death, and resurrection bring. And there are prayers for the more profound occurrences in lifelove and marriage, pregnancy and childbirth, illness, loss, and death. We ask this in Jesus' name,Amen. Help each one to enter into a deeper dependence upon You and come to a closer communion with the Father. My flesh has failed plenty of times, and with each failure, or weakness I have felt my joy stripped away. What a joy it is to meet and fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ. I am worn from trying to re-gain something so precious and dear to my well-being. In Jesus' name,Amen. Amen. Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light unto my path, and Your Word is also the joy and rejoicing of my inner being.May I also abide in the truth of Who You are, the God of the universe Who cared for me so deeply that He sent His Son to die so that I might be forgiven. "We Let You Go" by Ruth Burgess Burgess is the author of a book called Candles and Conifers. I bless the Lord who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me. May the Holy Spirit help us to understand Your Word, and will for our lives. Therefore, magnify Yourself in our lives. During the modern Christmas holiday, there are many worldly distractions from the original meaning and reason for celebration: the birth of Jesus Christ. If you are struggling with experiencing joy in your day-to-day life, I hope these prayers for joy will help you grow in His truth and joy. In addition, the Church teaches that: [w]hen the Church celebrates the liturgy of Advent each year, she makes present this ancient expectancy of the Messiah, for by sharing in . . Joy is an emotion of great delight. Dear Lord Jesus, there are so many sad and troublesome things to face in the world today, which too often cause our hearts to become weighed down with difficulties and doubts, but I pray that Your joy would fill my heart and strengthen my soul, and that times of joyful laughter would replace those seasons of weeping and hardship. There is nothing in my cup, and life feels so empty. Father, You command us to be. But even in my weakness, I know that I can call on You. And if you'd like to check out a similar article, then here are 49 positive prayers you can recite each morning. How do we recognize a threat to our joy, employ a strategy to refute it, and come out stronger on the other side of it still gripping our God-given joy? celebration. For our Enemies Prayers for the Church 7. Happy 70th Birthday Messages, Wishes and Prayers Lead me away from falsehood and toward your truth. 7. 10 Worship Songs about Joy - MediaShout When others see you experiencing joy despite the troubles you are facing, they begin to wonder what your source of joy is. Happy 25th anniversary to our beloved nuns. For those hurt by your churchwe ask you to heal wounds and enable forgiveness. I know that You use trials to purify me, just like gold that goes through fierce fire, burning out the impurities so that the goldsmith can see his reflection in the gold. I want to thank You for both the things I am aware of and those I have been oblivious to. Jubilee Prayer - Prayers - Catholic Online Lead me away from hate and toward love. O God, please help me to find rest and happiness within your plan. We ask you to heal them physically, encourage them emotionally, and strengthen them spiritually. Wrap Your Spirit around me, so my every breath is in sequence with Yours. You will increase my greatnessand comfort me again.I will also praise You with the harpfor Your faithfulness, O my God;I will sing praises to You with the lyre,O Holy One of Israel. Because after all, You are the Giver of my cup and every single thing in it. I ask these things I Jesus name. Guide me to find joy in each day and appreciate the beauty of your creation. From restless mind and anxiety, give me peace. Thank You for Your abiding love. God our Father, . Thank You that in Your presence is the fullness of joy, for You alone are my abiding hope and in Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. My soul is beaten down and I am always tired, not wanting to face the day. Deanna, seeing your prayer tweets throughout November was such an encouragement to me! could thou and I with Fate conspire . The Bible commands us to be joyful always, (1Thessalonians 5:16)but it takes strength to hold onto joy when life threatens to snatch it from our hands. And may happiness fill your heart each day your whole life through. 4. In Jesus' name,Amen. Carry me I pray in Your loving arms, and breathe into me Your Spirit of joy so that I may begin to rejoice in You once again. Heavenly Father, I desire joy in the inner man, and Your Word warns us to be on our guard against all kinds of greed and covertness, knowing that life does not consist in the abundance of our possessions, but on our deepening relationship with You. It feels countercultural to feel joy when life is tough, but thats exactly what You call us to. May God bless you with discomfort at easy answers, half-truths, and superficial relationships, so that you will live deep within your heart. Use these prayers for joy to experience more of Gods hope, peace, and strength in the middle of whatever struggle you are facing. "Without joyous celebration to infuse the other Disciplines, we will sooner or later abandon them. All rights reserved. Thank you, Father, for your immeasurable gift. Prayables - Prayers for Joy - Beliefnet Always be joyful, reads the New Living Translation. I ask that You provide me with joy immeasurable. ( Hope Bollinger) 2. Loving Father, thank You for the joy and peace that reigns in our hearts as we rest and abide in the Lord Jesus Christ. Through every generation, you have been the rock of our lives, the shield of our salvation. Prayers for Joy - Knowing Jesus Thank you for giving us the gift of your beautiful world and all the skies, mountains, and lakes. The grace of the lord and his immeasurable peace shall continue to follow you and may you continue to abide in His presence. 17 Prayers of Gratitude for Life, Peace & Abundance | Cake Blog When you have an excellent relationship with such important matters, you feel a lot better about yourself and your everyday dealings. When I am stressed or anxious, bring me strength and peace. Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth!Serve the Lord with gladness!Come into His presence with singing!Know that the Lord, He is God!It is He who made us, and we are His;we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture. Lord, as we enter the Christmas season, we want to take time to thank You for sending Your Son to be born as a baby and to become our Saviour, so that He can bring peace into the hearts of those that believe, and joy to those that find their hope in Him. Talking to God: Personal Prayers for Times of Joy, Sadness, Struggle Please forgive me for placing my joy in fickle circumstances. In Jesus' name,Amen. Eternity is too short to praise and magnify Your glorious name for all Your goodness and love towards me, and to all who are called by Your name, for in You is the fullness of joy. Prayer For Celebration Heavenly Father, we mourn for the life of (name of person). It is not always all smiles and sunshine for me. Or rather, Who your source of joy is. Every thirst in my life that has almost rendered me irrelevant, quench it. I will be sure to check out your series at Pleasing to the Potter. Father, flood my heart with Your perfect peace that passes understanding and may I be immersed in Your joy, knowing that the joy of the Lord is my strength for today and my bright hope for tomorrow, for I know that when I am weak, then I am strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.