Steps to buying and selling Find a confidential broker who has experience in the nursery sector. Providing childcare services in England - GOV.UK With advice valuable for staff, children and parents. So, it is worth checking what the most recent reports show. This includes audited accounts for the past three years, projections for the current and following years, registration documents, Ofsted reports and property valuations. We are assuming that are first steps will be to find . The necessary planning permission will have been secured. As part of the negotiations, you should request a provision in the Sale and Purchase Agreement that the seller agrees to maintain their Ofsted registration after the completion date and until such time as your own registration has been confirmed. You have accepted additional cookies. Blossom customers are able to provide this evidence easily with features such as: It is essential to notify parents that an Ofsted inspection will be taking place. I can see that Im leaving the nursery in good hands., Smart Start Private Day Nursery in Oldham, Greater Manchester. If a teacher is reading a story very badly, what would you do? What impact have I made as an individual to this setting and its children? Setting up a holding organisation above their existing structure and/or create new subsidiaries below; this, of course, makes perfect business sense. If your nursery follows a specific pedagogy (e.g. Running a nursery takes lots of energy and enthusiasm and I felt that I had reached my peak, so it was time to sell the business. You get to select all your own staff. Failure to comply with this may not only result in heavy legal penalties for you, but makes children vulnerable to potential risk. Such a claim, for example, may occur if you failed to make sure there was an adequate number of DBS checked staff to look after the children in your care during the transition period. Having the Right Finance is Key when looking to buy a Nursery for sale. While demand for nurseries remains strong, Ms Caldwell has seen a slight shift in those wishing to purchase. I would encourage anyone considering their exit within the next two years to contact us to discuss if now is the right time for them to exit, he says. Guide toSelling and buying a nursery business All childrens nurseries, therefore, must be registered with Ofsted on its Early Years Register. Buying a Nursery: Ofsted and Assignment of a commercial Lease If, for instance, a child was full of beans at doze time, he or she could go and play in the garden under supervision, rather than be made to lie down. Heres what you can expect from this guide: 1. The Hidden Costs Of Buying A Bed And Breakfast, Buying A Veterinary Practice? However, in these exciting early days its also crucial that you dont overlook two other matters which commonly cause problems and costly delay for first-time buyers of childrens nurseries: namely, registration with Ofsted and the legal transfer of premises. I dont regret selling the business - I possibly should have done it sooner.. Choose a broker on their experience, references and whether you feel you can have a good working relationship with them. This 'Guide to' has been produced by Nursery World in partnershipwith Redwoods Dowling Kerr. The assignment will also require the consent of the landlord. Do not ignore this. However, it should be noted that your inspector will not judge them separately. Before you begin the registration process, you need to complete two preliminary stages - a DBS check and a health declaration booklet. It helps us to think honestly and raises our self awareness. We had gone from there just being one small nursery down the road to competition from around eight settings in a one-mile radius. We are after some advice,We are thinking of setting up a business and have seen a nursery for sale that we are thinking of trying to get a mortgage on and that i would run. Selling my nursery was the most difficult decision Ive made. Manage your staffing requirements from a centralized system. And it can get those nerves down and your confidence up. Whether you start from scratch or buy, what size of nursery should you take on? If you are registered on the Early Years register, you must meet the early years foundation stage framework standards. Another thing to consider before embarking upon any new nursery project is the amount of free time the government claims it will give to parents. What Are The Average Solicitors Fees For Buying Or Selling A Business? Jenna Caldwellfor buying advice on01772 775763/, 07525 592988 /, Robert Yatesfor sales advice on01772 775759/ 07812 366958/, MA Education 2023. Of course, setting up your own day nursery has a number of advantages. We have heard horror stories of nurseries attempting new activities on inspection day and children piping up saying, Why are we doing this? - a nanny. When something catches your eye, call the consultant directly and ask lots of questions. Razia Nurmohamed, Quality Director at our very own Blossom Tree, shares her thoughts: Reflective practice is a critical tool to improve. And thats not surprising. This guidance is for those who are registered, or want to register, with Ofsted. The legal forms you need to complete before registering to open a nursery. Operational reports to give you the data you need. She adds that it is imperative that owners understand what they have got to sell and whether leases are secure. buying a nursery: ofsted This is not a change in law or practice. Find out when you must apply to register if you want to set up a nursery, or other daycare organisation for children. You may be interested to know that the night before our own inspection, we threw a pizza party! (And rest assured that lying wont work in your favour to bump up your rating). A DBS check, formerly known as a CRB check, scans your history for prior criminal convictions to ensure you are suitable to look after . When you have completed this application, you must also: You will receive an email telling you to complete these steps. This is what your inspector will be looking for. You will always need on site, at all times, a qualified first aider and a nursery supervisor (With qualifications of at least a level 3). The more staff understand what constitutes an Ofsted Outstanding nursery, the more confident they will be on inspection day. . Show your inspector the impact your setting has on your observations and assessments for each child. When you have completed this application, you must also: add a. At the time, the experience was a complete nightmare. If you are an owner thinking that youll leave it until next year, perhaps bear in mind there may be another 500 owners are thinking the same. Weve saved you the trouble. According to the handbook, they will: Based on evidence gathered (and the criteria set out in part 2 of the handbook as set out above) your inspector will put forward a grade for your setting. The lowest rating Ofsted hand out is Inadequate. This states that the setting does not provide proper or an acceptable quality of education and care for children. Mainly, the aims you have to help your children develop and learn. At all stages in the recruitment process (and in life generally), it is imperative that you do not adopt any attitude of discrimination. Ogley Hay Nursery School retains Ofsted outstanding rating for third year in a row By Adam Smith Walsall Education Published: Just now Staff at Ogley Hay Nursery School, Brownhills, are. Register your details with us, and be sure to let us know exactly what you are looking for, so we can actively look for you. What are the different Ofsted nursery ratings, 2. This is what the final I refers to. Assuming it is assignable, the assignment will invariably require the landlords consent. Discussions with children about their likes and dislikes. So send out a notification email or text so that theyre not caught off guard. No longer practising as a solicitor, she now applies her legal research and writing skills to keep Truelegals team and clients updated with the latest know-how across our specialist business sectors. Sorting documents for the inspection can get a bit confusing and stressful. There was just something about the way the front door, set within a Gothic arch, welcomed you into a special, homely place. They dont know you had a potato planting session a couple months ago, or about that parent picnicTherefore you need to show them. Often when nurseries are expanding, under advice from financial advisors, they will change their company structure. Nurseries across the UK use Blossom to increase efficiency across their finance, learning journeys, operations & occupancy. London (Day Nursery / Nursery School For Sale) Established in 1995 by the current owner Fees income for year-end 2021 of 169,381 with an EBITDA of 51,107 Rated 'Good' by Ofsted on its last inspection Brand new 5-year lease Places for 32 children. You can expect to receive a telephone call at around midday on a working day before the start of the inspection. She reminds me of a younger version of myself a trained teacher, very caring and has ambitions for marketing the business. When business owners looking to sell their business need practical legal advice, delivered by sector experts, they turn to Truelegal. Profitability is important to making a nursery attractive, but be careful not to skimp on expenditure to bump up profits. After spending every moment with them since birth, having them go off for days at a time can be strange, and stressful. You can configure the nursery exactly as you want to. Staff can ask themselves: Understandably, some of your staff may experience anxiety around the inspection. If you have certain activities planned, again inform your inspector so that they can make time to observe this. Rent review frequency, repairing obligations and service charges are other key areas. Those nurseries that have plenty of outdoor space have found the bubbles and social distancing easier than those that dont. All of that adds up to a lot less risk, compared with starting from scratch. Islamic schools trust praised by Ofsted brands gay people 'evil' Seek out expert advice on tax issues to ensure you have everything in place to pay the correct amount of tax. (You can unsubscribe at any time.). Buying a Day Nursery: Ofsted registration As you probably know, children's day nurseries are nationally regulated by the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted), which inspects all childcare provision. Need help with Blossom? An example of this happening is where a childminder expands their business to join with other childminders or assistants. There are 4 ratings Ofsted assigns. You need to be confident that the numbers stack up. We held viewings out of hours. Initially, you could contact your local authority who can provide lots of helpful information and advice but then, as a first step, you and any other individuals connected with the application must complete a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check online. Look critically at your nursery through the eyes of a buyer to decide what needs improving before you put it on the market. You will need to register as a daycare organisation if you are running a childcare business where both of the following apply: This is known as providing childcare on domestic premises. To standardise this process, all children's nurseries must be registered on Ofsted' Early Years Register. Consider how effectively the manager supports staff to promote the learning and development of all children. Its worth thinking about whether you will be able to pass on your business before you start. Your application to register as a nursery or other daycare will not be reviewed by Ofsted until these 2 steps are also completed. Although the lease will usually state that such consent is not to be unreasonably withheld, in practice, it is rarely a speedy process for the following reasons: Its important to make sure that you are aware of the terms of the lease to be assigned. Staff and parents were very shocked when they heard I was moving on, but Ive not stepped away just yet. Outstanding settings receive fewer inspections. The nursery was very much my baby and, rather than rush a sale, I wanted to be selective so that it went to the right person, not just for the right price. Make job offers conditional. It may be your pride and joy, but listen to the brokers advice on a realistic selling price or be prepared for a slow sale. Therefore we are hoping you wouldbe able to offer us some advise on general start up costs for any business. Get the latest posts and industry insights straight to your inbox. Having them in your hands allows you to examine the original documents for authenticity and make copies for your records. Have you had supervision? MA Education is part of the Mark Allen Group. Anyone you have to tell us about must also apply to join your registration. According to the handbook, Joint Observations should enable the inspector to: What they are mainly looking for is the managers ability to recognise anything done well and more importantly anything that needs improving. With this check, you make sure that prospective employees are legally able to work within the UK. Think about the potential how could you improve, expand or transform the nursery youre looking to buy? This is about how you exercise your stated intent. What do you do every day at your setting that ensures your children are making progress? Your inspector will be looking how your intent helps children make progress across the seven areas of learning and is play-based. We heard of one quick-thinking individual in this unfortunate situation who was able to mitigate some of the damage by persuading a number of neighbouring nurseries to take the children until his registration came through. How do you get your point across? A dozen or so years ago, I saw a building in Gravesend that had once been an old farmhouse and thought it would make a perfect day nursery. To help us show you teaching resources, downloads and more youll love, complete your profile below. Applicants for registration must be aged 18 or over and have the right to work in the United Kingdom. At an Ofsted Outstanding nursery, your staff are brilliant role models who put caring for the children first. The reason for the closure is unclear, but it comes around one month after Ofsted found the. As an act to support the EY sector during the pandemic, in April 2020 the government temporarily disapplied and modified certain elements of the EYFS statutory framework. You should read this guide if you will be looking after children aged between birth and the 31 August following their fifth birthday and you will be doing this in: If you want to look after children in this way, you will need to register your daycare. Lets get inside the mind of the inspector for a second. These may be excellent, but the chances of them according with everything you think and feel is minimal. This is the guide your inspector will follow to a tee, so everything you need is there its the execution that can get a bit tricky. How well do you understand your nursery business? The 3 Is: (Intent, Implementation, Impact), 15. This is another matter that commonly causes problems for buyers of childrens day nurseries. If you are looking after children in your own home with fewer than 3 other childminders or assistants, you only need to register as a childminder. And you need to be ready. We decided, for example, that every room in the nursery setting should have one complete wall painted as a mural depicting a different scene. This is when the inspector and manager (or assigned leader) will take part in observing activities together. So theres no pulling a fast one with them. By then we were committed, having already spent a lot of money on converting the building to nursery use and hiring a full staff ready to take in small children all without being allowed to open and actually get any fees in. Cornwall, England, England. Compare your rates, services and occupancy and demonstrate to buyers that you are competitive. If you had any safeguarding concerns about a child, what action would you take? So the first lessons here are: allow for everything to cost far more than you expect, and to take far more time than you could possibly imagine.